"Photomontage: Image Hijack (Part 1)" By Reece Robinson (Revised and Updated)

Sketches Of My 3 Possible Intended Hijacking:

Related brief statement: For the first sketch, I placed a polar bear on a tall, thin glacier. I put the words, "EXTINCTION," in order to symbolize that climate change and global warming, could lead to the dying off and extinction of the polar bear species. For the second sketch, I used the yin yang sign, and placed the two words, "BLACK" and "WHITE," on each of the 2 respective sides (black and white), to represent two different races of people. For the third sketch, I placed a shield, near the handle of the gun, and the words, "STOP VIOLENCE!," in order to symbolize the prevention of gun violence, all around the globe.

3 Original Famous Images I Am Hijacking:

My 12 Small Sketches:


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