
Showing posts from September, 2023

M4 - CP Book Cover Design (Part 2) By Reece Robinson (Updated)

  File Link: file:///C:/Users/reece/Downloads/M4%20CP%20-%20Book%20Cover%20Design%20(Part%202)%20By%20Reece%20Robinson%20(Updated)%20copy.pdf                      As you can see here, I have added a couple of modifications, to this project. One of them, is, drawing a farm outline around the words "ANIMAL FARM". Another modification, that I had used was, coloring both the book title, and the author name, "yellow." 

"Prevent Global Warming" Awareness Poster By Reece Robinson

  I am trying to address the issue of global warming, as you can see here, in the poster that I have created up above. The polar bear face, symbolizes that if we do not do anything, to stop the issue of global warming, it will cause even further climate change, to our planet, including our earth's polar bears.

My 12 Drawings (Sketches) for "M3 CP - Awareness Poster (Part 1)" By Reece Robinson

 The three different concepts, that I have chosen, are: climate change, racial discrimination and inequality, and terrorism.

Climate Change Project (Updated Version) by Reece Robinson

Alteration: Original Image:               The picture at the very top, shows a polar bear, laying completely upside down, and dead, with the skull as its own head. This shows that climate change & global warming, can kill off polar bears, if we all do not do something about it. I used brightness/contrast for the skull, in the image at the very top. I also used the “edit-transform-flip horizontal,” tool in order to turn the other half of the polar bear’s body completely upside down. This qualifies as a hijack, because the polar bear’s head, is being completely modified, in order to show the type of harm, and maybe even death, that it could cause to our earth’s polar bears. 

Sketches Of My 3 Possible Intended 'Hijacking' By Reece Robinson

  Related brief statement: For the first image with the polar bear, I added a white bear skull, in order to symbolize, that if people do not do something to stop climate change and global warming, all of the polar bears will soon die off. For the social inequality image, I added the words "RICH" and "POOR," in order to compare and judge, two different types of people in society. For the third image, (the bottom one) I added a globe in the middle of the grenade, in order to symbolize, that there is still conflict and war, going on in around the world today.